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Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Wet Noodle Posse Cover Quiz

by Jill Monroe

Okay, Mary had us talking tests in her last post (and yes, I can get on a soapbox, can't I?). Here's a fun cover quiz post:

Give yourself one point for each correct answer:

How many covers have horses on them?

How many feature only legs?

He's got a little something behind his back.

2 Points

In a A Reputable Rake and The Mysterious Miss M a woman is holding something, what is it?

Which books feature something in the title that you would do in Las Vegas...if Last Vegas were around at the time?

Anne Mallory's heroines all have something in common on the cover, what is it?

24 hours...

3 Points

Based on the cover, which heroine would you NOT want mad at you?

This hero is wearing jewelry?

Rogue or Rake, which one is Scottish?

We have lots of ladies in waiting, what's one you don't expect?

5 Points

In which cover should people NOT throw stones?

This fan says love!

Home is where the heart is, yes?


At 3:48 PM, Blogger Trish Milburn said...

Had to really think about some of these, not sure I got them all right:



roses on Jane Millionaire

fan and mask

"Wagering" Widow, How to "Marry" a Duke, The "Marriage" Bargain

Dress off shoulder

Day in Mossy Creek

Date Me Baby, One More Time

Loki's Daughters


The Unknown Daughter

The Unknown Daughter again? (because of the sunroom?)

Share the Darkness

The Heart's Homecoming

At 5:59 PM, Blogger MJFredrick said...

FUN, Jill!!

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Jill Monroe said...

Wow, Trish - good job

I was looking for something a little different on your first "Unknown Daughter" answer. And look at the fan on the cover of the book with the fan - a word is there.

I'm totally impressed - you do much better understanding me than my husband and I've known him now half my life (although really, what was I doing a 6??)

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Trish Milburn said...

Oh, I get it now -- Daddy in Waiting. Duh. And I had to blow up the picture of the fan on the B&N site to see what you were talking about. Amour!

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Jill Monroe said...

Trish - I can't tell you how many times I looked at that cover. Over and over I did. Could probably log on hours. And I just discovered the word on the fan.


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